Easy Gnocchi Mac and Cheese recipe. Made with only 5 ingredients and ready in only 30 minutes, this is a crowd pleasing dinner idea. Back from winter break. Back to reality, and back to my regular schedule. This calls for some comfort food.
Honey Latte Oatmeal
Easy Honey Latte Oatmeal recipe. Made with coffee, oats, chia seeds and topped with yogurt, this makes a quick and healthy breakfast idea. Christmas is over, and it seems to have gone by so quickly. Is it just me, or has this year been a lot shorter than the other years? I feel like it…
Eggnog Cupcakes
Easy Eggnog Cupcakes with eggnog buttercream recipe. The perfect dessert idea to use up your leftover eggnog over the holidays. Are you getting sick of eggnog yet? Or maybe you are getting sick of my eggnog oatmeal recipes. I have been making it way too often lately, I needed to switch things up. Eggnog cupcakes…
Christmas M&M Blondies
Easy Christmas M&M Blondies recipe. These nut free treats are perfect for a holiday dessert or snack idea that the whole family will love. Last week of school is on Monday. How is the year almost over?? I am still shocked at how fast this year is going. And how is it almost Christmas too?…
Christmas Chocolate Pretzel Bites
Easy Christmas Chocolate Pretzel Bites recipe. Made with only 3 ingredients, this is the perfect last minute dessert idea for the holidays. Christmas keeps creeping closer and closer, and I am not ready for it at ALL. My husband left on a business trip this weekend, and as soon as he left I thought that…
Eggnog Snickerdoodles
Easy Eggnog Snickerdoodles recipe. A great snack or dessert idea to use up your leftover eggnog over the Christmas holidays. How is it December already?? I am amazed at how fast time seems to be going this year, I can barely keep up! Last month I missed Halloween baking because THAT seemed to come out…
Eggnog Latte Oatmeal
Easy Eggnog Latte Oatmeal recipe. Made with strong coffee and rich eggnog, this is the perfect breakfast idea for the holidays! It’s Thanksgiving here in America, which means nothing is open and everyone is visiting family and stuffing their face with all the food. While I would love to be doing that right now, we don’t…
Cast Iron Spicy Perogy Pizza
This Cast Iron Spicy Perogy Pizza recipe is a copycat of the pizza from Boston Pizza. Made with bacon, sour cream and topped with green onions. Okay, so I know that the majority of you are thinking about your turkey and sweet potato casserole for Thanksgiving. But me? I am going straight for my Cast…
Nutella Cupcakes with Nutella Glaze
Easy Nutella Cupcakes with Nutella Glaze recipe. This soft chocolate dessert idea is perfect for when you want a cake without all the effort. Thanksgiving is almost here. Are you ready?? This is my first Thanksgiving in America, and to me it seems so late. Canadian Thanksgiving was over a month ago. I’m already thinking…
Peppermint Nutella Cups
Easy Peppermint Nutella Cups recipe. Made with crushed candy canes and 3 other ingredients, these are the perfect last minute dessert idea. Christmas is quickly approaching and I am not sure that I am ready for it!! Me and John JUST booked our plane tickets to Vancouver and we are still waiting on buying the…