These delicious Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins are my new favorite way of using over-ripe bananas. A quick and easy grab and go breakfast idea. We always have a bunch of bananas in my house. This is what happens when you have a fruit obsessed toddler who requires at least 2 bananas a day to be…
Search Results for: chocolate cups
Vegan Matcha White Chocolate Chip Cookies
These Vegan Matcha White Chocolate Chip Cookies are the best cookies to make to satisfy your sweet tooth. Such an easy dessert recipe idea. As soon as March rolls around, I am all about cooking up everything green. And as a matcha lover, I make it a point to bake with matcha as much as…
Chocolate Chess Squares
Easy Chocolate Chess Squares recipe. Made with a box of cake mix, this classic Southern recipe will quickly become your favorite dessert. Not to be confused for chocolate chess pie. This was one of the first desserts that I saw in a store after moving to the US that I had no idea what it…
3 Ingredient Chocolate Fudge
Easy 3 Ingredient Chocolate Fudge recipe. This quick and simple dessert idea makes a great nut and gluten free last minute treat. The holiday season is approaching, and so of course I am looking for an easy recipe to make for a quick treat. It always seems like around the Christmas season, I am craving…
Triple Chocolate Pecan Cookies
Easy Triple Chocolate Pecan Cookies recipe. This ultimate dessert idea is made with white chocolate chips. Perfect for a grab and go snack. Are we ready to turn on the ovens yet?? I get cold very easily, and I am kinda getting excited about Christmas baking already? Am I jumping the gun? Christmas baking should…
Crunchy Peanut Butter Chocolate Truffles
Easy Crunchy Peanut Butter Chocolate Truffles recipe. Made with only 6 ingredients, this no bake dessert idea is perfect to satisfy your sweet tooth. Are truffles just a winter holidays recipe? Because I firmly believe that it should be a summer recipe too. All I want to be making is no bake recipes and cold…
Cornflakes Nutella Cups
Easy Cornflakes Nutella Cups recipe. Made with only 3 ingredients, this last minute dessert idea is perfect to satisfy your sweet tooth. As we are approaching summer, I am trying to make as many no-bake recipes as I can. Anything to avoid turning on the oven and making the house any hotter is a-ok with…
Matcha White Hot Chocolate
Easy Matcha White Hot Chocolate recipe. Made with only 4 ingredients, this is the perfect drink idea to warm you up on a cold day. Cozy season is upon us, and all I want to do is cozy up on the couch with a warm blanket, a good book and a cup of this Matcha…
St Patrick’s Day Matcha Hot Chocolate
Easy St Patrick’s Day Matcha Hot Chocolate recipe. Made with only 4 ingredients, this warm drink is a great festive green treat. It’s already almost St Patrick’s Day. Where has the year gone? It seemed like Christmas was only a couple of weeks ago. It may be because my school has had 4 snow days…
Pecan Nutella Cups
Easy Pecan Nutella Cups recipe. Made with only 3 ingredients, this last minute dessert idea is the perfect sweet treat. It’s hard trying to bake when you have a very needy toddler. For one, I am running around after him when he is awake, trying to keep him out of trouble. Then, when he does…