This cake was made a while ago. I just didn’t have the time to post it. Because this cake took me a while. And so this post is going to be a long one. This cake was made for my boyfriend. It was his birthday a couple of weeks ago, when I made it. It…
Jam Cookies
Every time I bake something, I write down the recipe and put it in a binder. I have this huge binder with letter tabs and everything. I have a plan to print out some pictures and make little notes on how much I liked the recipe on the side. This will be a way to…
Sour Cream Chocolate Chip Cookies
Easy Sour Cream Chocolate Chip Cookies recipe. Tastes just like a muffin top, these cookies make a healthier choice for a nut free dessert or snack. Talk about fluffy cookies. Looking in my fridge, I see two tubs of sour cream. TWO! One almost empty, and growing something green and smelly that I can pretty…
Chocolate Chip Cookies
Soft and chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies recipe. These are the perfect dessert recipe, and one of the best cookie recipes I have tried! So these cookies: they were meant to happen. Me making them? It’s fate I tell you! Why you might ask? Well, I’m not one to believe in fate or destiny. I like…
Chocolate, Raisin and Butterscotch Cookies
I did yoga today. Oh my goodness. I have never done yoga before, but since I’ve been hearing about how great it is, I decided to try it out for the first time. Actually, that’s a lie. Way back when, someone came in to my highschool and made us all do yoga. And was I…
Eggless Banana Chai Latte Cookies
You know those days, where you just want to bake something? You have a pile of cookies, and other various baked goods, but you have the feeling that you need to bake? ..Or is that just me. Anyways, if you are anything like me, I constantly need to be baking something. So whenever the oven…
Whole Wheat Snickerdoodles
Now I`m just a novice in the kitchen. And when I say novice, I`m being nice. I don`t ever REALLY know what I`m doing, just mix things together, see what happens. It`s like an experiment. This is why I like baking/cooking. It’s like an art and a science in one. So when I went to…
Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Cupcakes
Even though cupcakes can’t talk, they can seduce me like no one can Now I would first like to say that two years ago, I didn’t care for cupcakes. You gave me a cupcake, I would…*gasp* I don’t know if I can even write this..turn it down. Why? You might ask? (And I would ask…
Candy Sugar Cookies
Warning: These cookies are not for the faint of heart. Dieters beware. Anyone with an aversion to butter cover up your eyes. One cup. One full cup of butter in these bad boys. And there’s more where that came from in the icing too. But they look so gosh darn cute! The first batch..I really…
Apple Pie Cookies
Easy Apple Pie Cookies recipe. This quick and simple dessert idea makes a great portable nut free snack for busy mornings. For the days were you really want an apple pie, but are too lazy to make your own pie crust. You bake cookies. Actually, I don’t know. The crust is the best part of…