Easy Vegan Chocolate Muffins recipe. This nut free dessert idea tastes like a cupcake but without the frosting to make them a healthier alternative. Since I was contemplating being a vegetarian, I tried my luck at making Vegan Chocolate Muffins. And I have got to say: they were a huge success. I didn’t miss any…
Mint Chocolate Ice Cream
Mint Chocolate Ice Cream recipe made with chocolate chips and without eggs.This is a great dessert idea to make year round. The other night, when I was getting ready to go to sleep, I looked in the mirror to see some bloodshot eyes staring back at me. No, it wasn’t Halloween, it was me. Staying…
Easy Ice Cream Cake
You know, I should really just name everything I make now easy. I should have an easy category as my go-to “I’m going to make these because I only have 5 minutes to spare and I want to make something good” pile. Although it feels as though I would be going there a lot regardless:…
Lemon Sorbet
I have finally bought an ice cream maker you guys! Seriously, hands down, the best thing I have bought in the last, oh I don’t know. Long time. The best part about it though? I didn’t actually pay for it. I bought it with my airmiles. Because, sadly, I’m not going to be traveling anywhere…
Healthy Peanut Butter Banana Ice Cream
This is it guys. After all my yearning and gawking at other blogs featuring their gorgeous ice cream recipes, and me getting jealous that I don’t have an ice cream maker, I finally did it. I made ice cream. But whaaaa? How is this possible? Well. I have been window shopping for ice cream makers,…
Individual Apple Pies
I have an oven now!! This has made me so happy, now I can bake! And nothing says happiness quite like apple pie. While I have admired my boyfriend’s grandmother who can make 5 apple pies in the same time that it takes for me to get all the ingredients out to actually make the…
Oat and Peanut Butter Energy Balls
Easy Oat and Peanut Butter Energy Balls recipe. Made with only 3 ingredients, these healthy no bake snacks are perfect to bring to school or work. Picture this: I get off work at 6PM. I’m pretty hungry, so I pick up some ingredients at the grocery store to make a nice, healthy dinner. I head…
Healthy Double Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
Who can resist cookie dough? I certainly can’t. When I make cookies, half of the cookie dough is reserved for me, and me alone. No I will not put this stuff in the oven. Hand over a spoon. This stuff is making a beeline right to my mouth. But this, of course, has got me…
Eggless Banana Chai Latte Cookies
You know those days, where you just want to bake something? You have a pile of cookies, and other various baked goods, but you have the feeling that you need to bake? ..Or is that just me. Anyways, if you are anything like me, I constantly need to be baking something. So whenever the oven…
Eggless Banana Scone
Now these scones ended up as a flop. I wanted nice, big scones. Instead? Pancake scones. Maybe it was the lack of eggs. Maybe it was the over mixing. Because I forgot that we do NOT want our scone batter to look silky smooth. But what can you expect when I just bought a new…