This banana vanilla cake is so moist, and has a light banana and vanilla flavor that is perfect for breakfast. Make the entire thing in one bowl! How is it that every time I buy bananas, they get brown before I can even bring them home. Even though I am buying the greenest bananas…
Sour Cream
Strawberry Sour Cream Pie
Strawberries and sour cream come together to make the perfect summer pie! This strawberry sour cream pie is a nice and easy dessert recipe. I have made more pies this week than I have in my entire life! Which is crazy, considering I mainly make desserts. But pie always seems so hard that I…
Vanilla Bean Cupcakes with Peanut Butter Frosting
These Vanilla Bean Cupcakes with Peanut Butter Frosting are the perfect dessert recipe. Moist cupcakes with a peanut butter cup inside. It seems like forever since I last made cupcakes. And since I still want to use the vanilla bean paste that I made a while back, I decided on some vanilla bean cupcakes. And I…
Pryaniki with Mint Glaze
These cookies make perfect gifts! A hard outer layer with a soft center and a hint of peppermint, these cookies are perfect for the holidays. Christmastime is here, by golly… So what are we doing about it? Well, I can tell you what I’ve been doing for the past week. Pretty much everyday this…
Sour Cream Chocolate Chip Muffins
Easy Bakery Style Sour Cream Chocolate Chip Muffins recipe. The perfect grab and go breakfast or snack idea. Perfect for school or work! Rule #1 about buying sour cream: Do NOT buy it, then forget about it in your fridge, only to take it out 2 months after it’s expiry date, realizing that it has…
Sour Cream Chocolate Chip Cookies
Easy Sour Cream Chocolate Chip Cookies recipe. Tastes just like a muffin top, these cookies make a healthier choice for a nut free dessert or snack. Talk about fluffy cookies. Looking in my fridge, I see two tubs of sour cream. TWO! One almost empty, and growing something green and smelly that I can pretty…
Whole Wheat Pancakes
Good morning pancakes! There is always something extremely comforting in digging in to a stack of pancakes on a lazy Saturday morning. As I do have a go-to plain pancake that I usually make every Saturday morning, I thought that I should make pancakes using whole wheat flour. I mean, whole wheat has never killed…
Whole Wheat Snickerdoodles
Now I`m just a novice in the kitchen. And when I say novice, I`m being nice. I don`t ever REALLY know what I`m doing, just mix things together, see what happens. It`s like an experiment. This is why I like baking/cooking. It’s like an art and a science in one. So when I went to…
Apple Coffee Cake
Easy Apple Coffee Cake on the menu today. I just had some extra sour cream and some apples that needed to be used, and thought: why not bake with it? Which, you know, is pretty much my first thought when I have ANYTHING extra lying around that needs using. Ever since I’ve been informed…
Raspberry Almond Cake
Ode to the raspberry: Now there is one berry that takes my heart. Just the right amount of sweet, just the right amount of tart. …and that’s as far as I’m going to take this little poem. You can see why I am not majoring in English. But since it is not raspberry season, it…