Melt the butter on a medium skillet. Add in the pecans and cook until fragrant, around 3 minutes. Remove from heat and set aside.
In a medium saucepan, heat the sugar, whipping cream and milk until the sugar has dissolved.
In a medium bowl, beat the eggs. Add around 1/4 cup of the hot sugar mixture to the eggs and mix well. Slowly add the egg mixture to the saucepan with the remaining sugar mixture, and mix until it forms a sort of custard that coats the back of your spoon. Remove from heat and mix in the vanilla extract and the pecans.
Transfer the saucepan to the fridge, and allow to cool completely, around 4 hours.
Pour the mixture into your ice cream maker, and process according to manufacturer’s instructions.
When the ice cream is done, pour into an airtight container, and freeze until ready to serve.
Total time does not include time in fridge to cool.